Museum Virtual Tour to Retain the Popularity as the Pandemic Slows Down

As the world is rebounding from COVID-19 pandemic, a lot of museums have been reopened with strict health protocols. This may lead to a question about the future of museum virtual tour. Will it remain popular in the long-run?

Though finding its peak popularity during the pandemic, museum virtual tour will make its way through any kinds of circumstances. The museum type has been designed with the far-future goal to facilitate museum and young generations.

Roles from VR Technologies

Museum virtual tour brings museum closer to the young generations, such as millennials and generation Z. This is possible thanks to the widespread uses of Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) technologies. At a global scale, the roles of the technologies have been proven to make the public accessing museums more.

What about Indonesia? There were fears that the pandemic would further exacerbate the already low number of museum visitors. But some initiatives have emerged that highlight the relation between museum and the technologies.

The VR technology enables the users to completely cut off from the real world and enter the virtual world seamlessly. The users can therefore interact with the simulated-computer environment, making them as if living in the real world. When applied to museum, the VR technology will provide real experiences to the users as if they visit museums in the real world.

The VR technology contributes significantly in several sectors, such as education, product marketing, work safety training, tourism, film 260, video game, virtual performance, office technology, health maintenance, and military technology.

Museums and culture centres require new formats to keep drawing visitors during the pandemic and the VR technology provides the best solution for that goal.

GoMuseum, the Museum Virtual Tour

At times when the pandemic hit the climax, GoMuseum enabled museum visitors to keep accessing the museum content at their respective homes. GoMuseum is a 3D virtual application that allows the users to explore museums online.

The museum virtual tour service allows the users to study each corner of the museum without any limits. The experience is barely possible when visiting museums offline/conventionally due to time constraint.

GoMuseum is equipped with a very detailed 3D vitual technology with high resolution, precise room map simulation and interactive object feature. All of them provide real and deep experiences while visiting museums.

Other exciting features from GoMuseum are online & VIP ticketing system, door prize drawing system, and digital database reservation that will facilitate advertising and promotion needs in the future.

Why the charm of museum virtual tour won’t die anytime soon

As the number of museum visitors going back to normal, museum virtual tour will remain popular, especially among the millennials and Generation Z. The generations have been living in harmony with technology. Thereby, mixing museum content and technology are obligatory should any museum organizers wish to retain their participations.

The uses of VR will indeed entice their interests. The generations are more drawn to interactive contents that will allow them delving into and moving from the past, the present, and the future. The interaction will make them excited and eager to study more about the museum content. The immersive experience will keep them coming back for yet another virtual museum visit.

At the same time, it’s undeniable that time plays a great role in today’s museum experience visit. With ever-growing contents available today, museum virtual tour allows visitors to save time. They can explore a lot in such a shorter time as compared to direct visit. This museum mode is way more efficient and fun.

Museum virtual tours around the world

There have been six top museums in the world that provide museum virtual tours, as said in the following:

1. Virtual art exhibition – Louvre Museum

pameran virtual tour museum

The Louvre museum in Paris launched Mona Lisa: Beyond the Glass that uses the VR technology.  Part of the digitalization museum program, the innovation first introduced to anticipate the lowering number of the museum visitors due to the first lockdown in the wake of the COVID-19 virus. This Mona Lisa virtual tour allows 11 users to visit simultaneously via VR headsets anytime anywhere via a cellular application.

2. Palace of Versailles

vr tour gratis Palace of Versailles

Slightly different with the first one, Palace of Versailles virtual tour is facilitated by Google. The breakthrough allows the users to explore the museum for free. Palace of Versailles is a palace in the southwest of France and was the symbol of the political power of the France Kingdom between 1682 and 1789.

The ticket price is 25 euro for each visitor. But, Google makes it possible for anyone to enjoy the museum virtual tour for free. The visitors will be able to surround the Louis XIV palace thanks to photogrammetry project embedded in the virtual tour.

3. T-rex: Skeleton Crew – American Museum of Natural History

The next one is American Museum of Natural History, an institution that initiates ‘T-rex: The Ultimate Predator” based in Manhattan, the United States. It released the ancient museum virtual tour project that allows the users to assembly the bones of Tyrannosaurus rex. The users can collaborate one another using their VR headsets right from their respective houses.

4. Virtual Expedition – Louvre Museum

ekspedisi virtual tour museum

Besides the virtual tour, the Louvre Museum launched the new VR format called virtual expeditions. The project allows the users to explore the important cultural sites across the world online. The first expedition is namely Khufu: A Journey in Ancient Egypt that is based on the previous exhibition at Cité de l’Architecture in Paris.

The project implements VR innovation in a spacious room with collaboration amongst the users. It enables them to bring together many users as well as create journey illusion through the space and time in high-resolution history reconstructions.

5. Becoming Homeless

VR technology is taken to another level of uniqueness by this museum organizer. The users are invited to feel empathy towards homeless people. The VR simulation takes the users to become more caring and attentive towards the homeless. The tour has given big impacts that this serves as the discussion topic in social classes.

6. Sistine Chapel

Tour VR sistine chapel

Sistine Chapel is an art museum located in the Vatican city. The masterpieces of Italian legendary artist, Michelangelo, are located in the Sistine church ceilings.  

Through Steam, the visitors are now able to look closer at the painting and listen to the explanation for one hour. They can ascend via virtual lift to be able to see livelier perspective about the painting.

Those are the museum virtual tours that will remain popular despite the pandemic slowdown. If you are interested at making one, please contact us, MonsterAR, that has been in the AR industry for more than 10 years. Let’s connect!


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