Virtual Reality Production Studio, 360 Tech Services for All Business Type


Whenever the term Virtual Reality (VR) technology surfaces, some associate it with big-scaled or global businesses. However, a virtual reality production studio provides various types of services across all business scales.

Small, medium, or large scales will serve as endless inspirations for virtual reality production studios. The inspirations will later be utilized as creative ideas that will spur out-of-the-box marketing content and promotion. The technique is becoming necessary in today’s growing competition amongst marketeers or business owners. Virtual reality exists to bring marketing and promotion strategies to another level thereby become easier to captivate public’s attention.

How Virtual Reality Production Studio will Help your Business

1. Attracting crowd during offline campaign activity

Have you seen one particular stand appearing livelier than other stands while visiting an offline exhibition? Chances are the stand organizer entertains the visitors of the expo by using a VR simulator. One of the examples of VR simulator is VR Flying Simulator Jet made by MonsterAR. We created the VR simulator for Djarum MLD for participating in the GAIKINDO Indonesia International Auto Show (GIIAS) 2018. With the simulator, the guests of the expo were able to “fly” in the virtual world. The attraction definitely made the client’s stand more attentive.

2. Initiating a new business idea

A virtual reality production studio will propose new and exciting business ideas. One of them is an VR theme park or an VR café that combines technology (VR) and culinary. For sure, the business idea will draw visitors, especially younger generations. These consumer segments are mostly eager to experience something new and innovative.

With the top skill of the VR production studio, the new café concept will offer VR experiences for the guests. They can try various VR contents using VR headsets after paying certain fees. And of course, they can taste different food, drink, and snack menus. The range of fees may start between IDR29,000 and IDR200,000 for one-time game playing.

In addition to provide entertaining content and yummy culinary menus, the type of café will educate the generations about technology.

3. Boosting brand image

Through unique experiences, public will remember your brand image in a longer term as compared to using conventional marketing technique. They will quickly associate your brand with positive words, such as “innovative”, “creative” and “intimate” thanks to the immersive experiences.

Take a look at how global smartphone maker OPPO chooses AR game during RENO pre-launching event. MonsterAR created 3 AR applications that were especially designed for attracting the attention of the visitors. The first game invited RENO users to collect R E N O letters. The second app was informing about the product. And the third one was a pre-launch AR invitation for those who had pre-ordered OPPO Reno Series.

4. Facilitating virtual tour

A virtual reality production studio provides solutions for hospitality industry that has suffered from COVID-19 pandemic. The sector can’t hold offline events due to the potential of the virus spread. Virtual tours accommodate various business lines, such as real estate. You can implement the technology for providing house, apartment or office tours for would-be buyers. They can obtain the information of the construction. They can also visualize living or doing activities there.

5. Rebranding museum for millennials

Museum is commonly associated with words, such as “old”, “conventional, and “outdated.” The perspective is widely believed by many people, making millennials uninterested visiting the place, except for fulfilling tasks by their teachers.

VR serves as a means to revolutionize a museum. We once created various VR services for Museum of the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK) in Magelang, Central Java. The museum now looks innovative and fresh thus is appealing for young generations. We created Interactive Directory, Interactive Wall, Curved Video Projection, Game, and others. Museum is no longer boring. Visitors, especially young generation, will find it a nice and interactive site to study about specific history and culture.

6. Maximizing the reach to audience

Another service from a virtual reality production studio relates to digital marketing. It’s inevitable for business owners to not include digital marketing in their overall promotion strategies. VR-based contents provide bigger chance to win algorithm in social media. They are eye-catching, cool, and informative. Internet and social media users will easily find the contents attractive then share them to their own circles.

Virtual reality and Metaverse

Metaverse unites Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality technologies as its users will have to wear VR headset. Metaverse is a virtual world that enable the users to create and interact with the others via their own avatars. Inside Metaverse, each of the users can work, meet, and play with a VR headset, AR glasses, or other devices.

Some top, global brands apply VR branding with Metaverse inclusion. For example, luxurious fashion brand, Gucci, launched Gucci Town, a virtual world inside Roblox Metaverse. In the Gucci Town, the users could taste mini games, art gallery, and of course, Gucci store. Another brand using VR and Metaverse is try-on kiosk by Sephora. The cosmetic brand introduced virtual makeup try-on kiosk for potential buyers so that they would be certain with what they would purchase.

In Indonesia, there are a lot of companies that offer Metaverse and VR services. MonsterAR is among the firms that can provide the services. We have been years in the VR and AR industries and are now proud to help you formulating business strategies using VR simulation with Metaverse elements.


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