Projection Mapping Companies, the All-for-One Solutions for Promotional Goals


Video mapping projection has been the buzzword amongst tech enthusiasts, general public, and businesspeople. Its effectiveness for pulling the crowd has driven projection mapping companies adjusting it with commercial goals with the end-users at the top of their minds.

Projection mapping and video mapping are used interchangeably to refer to the technology that successfully draw people’ attention at one spot thanks to the sophisticated idea that’s translated into interactive and highly aesthetic visuals.

Video mapping projection isn’t a mere promotional or commercial content. That’s just one part of the overall idea that blends art and technology. In Indonesia, various institutions select the technique for various purposes. This post is focusing on the business goals you might wish to apply for your own company.

What is video mapping projection?

Projection mapping is a 3D video projection technique that applies light and colour to project virtual pictures to a medium regardless of its shape. It works equally well for uneven surfaces, such as industry location, public facility, and city landmark. The places will turn into more interactive and attractive ones upon receiving motion graphic, visual effect, and other creative visualization techniques.

Video mappings allow you to completely change all object types in terms of colour, texture, and shape. The object types include white screen and complex surfaces, such as stage, building, and objects within a room.

Why should you use video mapping projection?

Video mapping projection is a visual entertainment mode that’s full of colour without limit thus enables it to deliver a wow effect at once. Once projected, viewers from all distances will be able to enjoy the magnificent content while be engaged into it. While that’s quite sufficient to land a good, first impression, brands should dig deeper into what commercial goals that will come into play.

1. A powerful branding method

Planting a good, first impression on the audiences serves as the key for branding. For any business types, branding is the heart of it all. With the helps of projection mapping companies, the branding will go even more long-lasting. The audiences won’t only enjoy the hype but also will remember your brand as something special.

2. An immersive experience enabler

Uttering wow while watching the video mapping content is not enough. A video mapping breaks down the gap between the brand and the audiences. Thanks to the dynamic of the content that the audiences will join inside of it. This invites them to having real experiences with the brand, not just as static viewers.

3. Cost-efficiency

Projection mapping companies will merge all of the brand needs into one video mapping projection. You won’t have to pay a big amount of money for renting a giant screen and decorating a certain area. Name your theme and business goal and the company will accommodate your requirements. The equipment of video projection is easy to bring along and to set in the area. Furthermore, a video mapping is up for a show in any kinds of settings, including rooms with low ceilings or small doors. As such, you can save a lot of expenses then allocate it for others.

Video mapping projections are available for assisting various business goals or unrelated to that for various sectors, such as in the following:

  • Marketing
  • Advertising
  • Event
  • Live concert
  • Theatre
  • Game
  • Computing
  • Decoration, and more.

Key elements in a video mapping

1. Projector

Projection mapping companies will prepare strong laser projectors with brightness ranging between 20K and 75K lumens. The visuals will take form in 4K qualities with sharp contrasts and incredible colours. The projectors will be supported with various kinds of lenses for different projection distance scenarios.

2. Image processing

The image processing will deliver real-time processing without compression with the lowest latency. Another quality is that it blends and bends without pressures thanks to the automatic alignment technology. An innovative platform with a set of developing features will also equip the image processing.

3. Hardware

There are various hardware types, such as high resolution projectors for delivering maximum qualities, PC or tools for software operation, and diverse supporting tools of the hardware.

4. Software

It consists of two types; the one for visual content and the software for making the audio visual content.

5. Audio visual content

Content is the king because it will be the end-product that will fascinate the audiences. At the end, the content should evoke their emotions and indulge their eyes in alignment with the benefits and the purposes of the video projection mapping.

6. Area

Area refers to the part that receives the content of the video mapping. This is the place where the audiences will view it. There are various area types, like wall, water, and even steam. Any can be changed as the area for video mapping projection as long as the audiences can see it.

Tips to select projection mapping companies

In Indonesia, video mapping projections are commonly used by a lot of brands and institutions for enlivening certain events. Given the abundant choices, you need to consider the following factors when choosing one.

The first is studying work experiences and project portfolios. When necessary, attend directly to one of the video mapping projects from one of the candidates you will work with. Among technical aspects for considerations include qualities of visual resolution and brightness. Check out the colour accuracy and the ability of the mapping projection itself to various area surfaces.

As equally important is the content and the narration. Look beyond them the creative ideas that stimulate the overall video mapping projection. That tells significantly the brainstorming processing between the projection mapping companies and their past clients.

Should you look for one, Monster AR is the among the best projection mapping companies. We made a video mapping project for CNI event. We projected one light into the projector then was shot to the dark backstage or uneven specific objects. As a result, the video looked clear and attractive while explaining the company profile to the audiences. For further information and consultancy, please contact us.


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